The Association presently consists of about 360 members. Individual members include teachers, educational researchers, students, educational administrators, and other people with an interest in learning from educational research.
Membership runs from the 1st of July to the 31st of June. Anyone applying for Membership may also elect to be included in one or more Special Interest Groups. There is no extra charge to belong to the SIGs.
Life Membership
Honorary Life Membership is awarded to individual member who has made an outstanding contribution to the Association or to educational research. Visit our Life Membership page for more information.
Benefits of NZARE membership
A forum for networking in all areas of educational research
Special interest groups for those who want to network with a focus
Discounted rates at NZARE Events, including workshops and the annual conference
Access to NZJES (including 2 issues per year)
Electronic newsletters -- about four times a year
Option to contribute to Ipu Kererū, the NZARE blog
Support of educational researchers at all levels, and targeted support of Maori, Pasifika and Student researchers
Promotion of educational research in Aotearoa
Option to present a paper at the annual conference
Option to submit a paper to selected international conferences
Nomination for NZARE Awards
Right to vote at AGM and to stand for office
Become a member
Membership fees
Tier 1 and 2 rebated membership $75 per annum
Tier 1: Unwaged, retired, full-time student, income below $50,000 pa
Tier 2: Income between $50-100,000 pa
Tier 3 and 4 membership $150 per annum
Tier 3: Income between $100-150,000 pa
Tier 4: Income over $150,000 pa
These two levels of NZARE annual membership fees are intended to cater to the wide range of our members. Those who are employed in full-time positions are asked to maintain full membership. We also offer rebated fees for members who are retired, full-time students, working part-time, etc
Please contact us if you have any questions about joining NZARE