Purpose of the Award

This award recognises researchers who have made a significant contribution to Maori education by conducting high quality research over an extended period of time. In making the award the NZARE Council adopts a broad definition of education and research and judges nominees' work according to the criteria of the disciplines in which they work.

The award comprises a written citation, a taonga and a cash prize of $1500. The Award will be conferred at the NZARE annual conference, and notified in the Association's publication Input (He Pātaka Tuku Kōrero) and on its website. The NZARE Council retains the right to make no award in any one year.


Nominees must be current NZARE members. Any NZARE member may make nominations which include the following:

Nominee’s academic CV (including qualifications, positions held, publications and an outline of research contributions);

A letter of nomination from the NZARE nominator;

Appropriate citations or letters of support;

Email, postal, phone details of nominator and nominee;

a recent colour photo of nominee;

Current NZARE membership can be verified by contacting nzare.eo@gmail.com

Award committee

In each year a sub-committee will be appointed to receive and consider the nominations and make a recommendation to the Council regarding conferring the award. The final decision must be ratified by the Council.

The Council retains the right to make no award in any one year;

The Award will be conferred at the NZARE annual conference, and notified in the Association's newsletter and on its website;

The successful applicant(s) and their nominators will be informed of the award prior to the annual NZARE conference. Unsuccessful applicants are notified by email and/or letter after the selection process has been completed;

The Council’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Criteria for selection

Nominee is a current NZARE member;

Nominee has researched into deeper aspects of te reo and traditional knowledge through postgraduate study, an important hallmark of language retention and survival;

Nominee has publications in Te Reo and English connected to Kaupapa Māori, Mātauranga Māori and Mātauranga ā Iwi (Research knowledge and scholarship connected to tribal identity);

Nominee has undertaken postgraduate supervision and mentoring of Māori researchers in te reo Māori and English;

Nominee has contributed to NZARE in research and Education through oral presentations, published articles in NZ Journal of Educational Studies;

Nominee engaged with Māori Community in Research and Education. For example, involvement with Māori groups, organisations and communities, local and national organisations;

Nominee has made a quality contribution to the body of knowledge in Māori educational research.

The successful applicant

will be informed of the award prior to the annual NZARE conference. Unsuccessful applicants will be notified by email and/or letter after the selection process has been completed and the successful candidate has accepted the award.

2009: No award made 

2008: Joanna Kidman, Victoria University of Wellington

2007:  Margaret Maaka, University of Hawaii

2006: Margie Hohepa, University of Waikato

2005: Wally Penetito, Victoria University of Wellington 

2004: No award made 

2003: Russell Bishop, University of Waikato

2002: Graham Smith, University of Auckland

2001: Kuni Jenkins, University of Auckland

2000: No award made

1999: Arohia Durie, Massey University

1998: Linda Smith, University of Auckland