Conference schedule is now available - full abstract programme coming next week

NZ Journal of Educational Studies (NZJES)
- Te Hautaka Mātai Mātauranga o Aotearoa 

The New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies Te Hautaka Mātai Mātauranga o Aotearoa (NZJES) is the official journal of the New Zealand Association for Research in Education.

The aim of NZJES is to nurture and promote educational research. The journal is both multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary in approach. It includes original reports, critical reviews of educational theory and policy, discussions and commentaries on conceptual and methodological issues in educational research, reports on research in progress, and book reviews.

The co-editors of NZJES for 2020 are Leon Benade and Georgina Stewart. All manuscripts must be submitted electronically via the Springer Editorial Manager system. This link also contains details of publication guidelines, which are reproduced here.

The journal editors will consider Themed Sections comprised of a group of papers on a common theme within any issue.  Groups of papers can be suggested to the editors as a theme for any issue.  These will still go through the usual peer-review process. 

NZJES has joined COPE and works to the ethical standards of that organisation.


Members of NZARE receive two issues per year as part of their NZARE membership subscription. You can also subscribe to NZJES only and buy individual and back issues. For more information contact

From 2015, NZJES has been published by Springer, in both print and online versions.  
Refer to Springer's website.

New subscriptions for 2015 and beyond should be addressed to Springer 

Vol 52, Number 1, 2017

  • Editorial: Exploring wicked problems and challenging status quo thinking through educational research - full article available

  • Scholar outsiders in the neo-liberal university: Transgressive academic labour in the whitestream. (J Kidman, C.Chu) - abstract

  • Enhancing the capabilities of associate teachers in the practicum:  A New Zealand case study. (A.Sewell, S. Hansen, K. Weir) - abstract

  • Empowering students in higher-education to teach and learn (K Shephard et al) - abstract

  • Does knowledge matter? Disciplinary identities and students' readiness for university (G.J.McPhail) - abstract

  • Grouping practices in New Zealand Mathematics Classrooms:  Where are we at and where should we be? (G Anthony, R Hunter) - abstract

  • Succeeding as Maori:  Maori students' views on our Stepping up to the ka Hikitia challenge. (M Berryman, E Eley) - abstract

  • An idea whose time had come:  The turn to inclusion in New Zealand's education policy (T McMenamin) - abstract

  • The impact of cost on children's participation in school-based experiences: Parents' perceptions (N.R. Gasson, K. Pratt, J.K. Smith, J.E. Calder) - abstract

  • Investigating children's thinking about suspended balances. (J. Cheeseman, A. McDonough, D. Golemac) - abstract

  • New Zealand teachers' understanding of childhood mild traumatic brain injury:  Investigating and enhancing teacher knowledge and practice. (RJL Case et al) - abstract

  • [Commentary]: Raising the bar for teacher professional learning and development? Or just cruel optimism? (D Smeardon, J Charteris)

Vol 51, Number 2, 2016

  • Editorial: Equity and Diversity - text available

  • Diversity and Equity:  A global educational challenge (M. Ainscow) - text available

  • Success for All?  Re-envisioning New Zealand schools and classrooms as places where ‘rights’ replace ‘special’ (J. MacArthur & G. Rutherford) - abstract

  • Intentional Teaching as a pathway to equity in early childhood education:  Participation, quality and equity (T. McLaughlin, K. Aspden, P. Snyder) - abstract

  • Developing equity for Pasifika learners within a NNZ context”  Attending to culture and values. (J. Hunter, R. Hunter, T. Bills, I. Cheung, B. Hannant, K. Kritesh, R. Lachaiya) - abstract

  • Developing a sense of belonging through engagement with like-minded peers:  A matter of equity. (T. Riley, V. White) - abstract

  • Using meta-perspectives to improve equity and inclusion. (J. Reid)- abstract

  • Home reading versus school reading: When blinkersed views disrupt learning. (J.H. Jackson) - abstract

  • Emancipation through education, the dreams of organised teachers:  Remembering our History.  NZARE Herbison Lecture 2015.  (J. Jesson) - abstract

  • Targeted social investment as an equity strategy. (J. O’Neill) - abstract

He Pataka Tuku Kōrero
- The NZARE newsletter

He Pātaka Tuku Kōrero - is NZARE's newsletter and is published periodically throughout the year.  This newsletter serves to link members across New Zealand and beyond and keep us informed of research and scholarship relevant to education in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Visit the News page to view previous editions.

We welcome contributions relevant to any of the following categories which will be of interest to members:

  • Conference and meeting updates

  • Notices

  • Call for manuscript submissions

  • Completed projects and theses

  • Research projects in progress

  • New publications

  • Research opportunities

If you have any comments, questions or suggestions for the association’s newsletter, please email the editor, through the NZARE office.

NZARE Monographs

The following monographs have been published by NZARE. These are mostly out of print but are available through your library.

Monograph No. 2 Positivism or Pragmatism by James D. Marshall

Monograph No. 3 Parenting and Children's Development in New Zealand: Research on childrearing, parental beliefs and parent-child interaction by Valerie N. Podmore and Lise Bird

Monograph No. 4 The Quality of Childcare Centres for Infants in NZ by Anne B. Smith

Monograph No. 5 Within-Subject Experimental Analysis: A guide for students in education by John Church

Monograph No. 7 Educating Researchers: New Zealand Education PhDs 1948-1998 by Sue Middleton

Monograph No. 8 The Neo-Liberal Appropriation of Tertiary Education Policy in New Zealand: Accountability, Research and Academic Freedom by Mark Olssen

Other Publications by NZARE

'He Kupu Tuāwhiorangi - mōteatea kau ana'

Ngā Kaiētita Agnes McFarland rāua ko Haturini McGarvey
Whakahiwa te whetu nui o te ata!
Te uranga mai o te ata huakirangi!
Tīaho i roto, mārama i roto!
Wānanga i roto, mārama i waho
Tēnei te kete, te kete ārewa o te wānanga!
Rewa ake nei ko Manu-nui-i-te-rā!
Hihiri te rā! Hahana te ao! Ko Tauira!
He tupua, he tawhito, he māneanea!
He kupu tuawhiorangi ki te matua iwi hū!

Tēnei rā te reo aumihi, te kupu tuāwhiorangi anō he manu hokahoka ki ngā pae kōtihitihi o te ngahuru toi matua rangi. Koia tēnei ko ngā kohikohinga kōrero e kīa nei ko ‘He Kupu Tuāwhiorangi’, hai kete amonga mā te ngākau mākoi e hihiri nei ki ngā kupu tuāwhiorangi o te whare kōrero, o te whare mōteatea, te whare pora, te whare hakahaka o Tāne-rore. Ko ngā kaituhi kōrero o tēnei pukapuka reo Māori nō ngā hau e whā, e kaingākau koihotahota nei ki te whakamōhiki ake i te reo rangatira me ōna tōngarerewa puiaki nui. Kia noho ko tēnei pukapuka reo Māori hai pūtea whakanakonako mā te matua iwi e hū nei te whatu manawa ki te whai i te ara tiketike mātauranga a koro mā, a kui mā.

Inā te kupu kōrero, “Kai te matamata o te ārero te toi whakairo tūāwhiorangi.”   

Te Mauri o te Whare

2016 Ed. Agnes McFarland & Taiarahia Black, NZCER 

Ko te uhi o tēnei pukapuka Te Mauri o Te Whare he mea hanga, he mea whakarite kia aro ki te takoto, piri tahi ki ngā kōrero o tua, ki ngā kōrero o tēnei ao kikokiko. Ko ngā wāhanga katoa o tēnei uhi he rite tōna āhua ki te tīpuna whare. Ko te whakaara mai o te tāhuhu hai pupuri i ngā kōrero, ko ngā heke o te tinana, ko te tihi hei whakaatu, hei tuku kōrero ki tēnā whakatipuranga, ki tēnā whakatipuranga. Ko te mauri o tēnei whare, o tēnei uhi he tohu whakaora, whakaū, whakatinana, he tohu hei poipoi i te māramatanga. He tohu hoki tēnei uhi i te ūkaipō i te ōranga o te kōrero, i te ōranga o te whakaaro. Ora ana te ūkaipō ka whakakitea tātau te hunga tuhi kōrero o tēnei pukapuka o roto mai i ngā hāpori reo ā-whānau, ā-hapū, ā-iwi, ā-marae ki te hohonu, ki te ātaahua o Te Mauri o Te Whare. E tika ana kia whakawhiwhia ngā whakatipuranga ki a rātau ake kōrero ake, ake o Te Mauri o Te Whare. He aha koia ngā taumata kōrero o tēnei uhi? Anei ko te noho tahi mai o ngā kōrero tuku iho, hītoria me ngā kōrero o te ao hou māramatanga. Noho tahi mai ana ēnei kōrero o tēnei uhi ko te kaupapa tēnā o te whakarongo rua kia tipu te mauri o ngā kōrero tuku iho. Kia piritahi mai me ngā kōrero o tēnei ao hurihuri. Koia a whakarongo rua!

Ko te hā o tēnei uhi he tuku mōhio, kia whakaoratia ngā kōrero o ngā kokona kāinga o Te Mauri o Te Whare. He tinana kaitiakitanga tēnei uhi, he tinana whakatere i te māramatanga o tai pari kōrero, o tai timu mātauranga hou. Ahakoa ngā whakaritenga hou ka puta i ēnei rā, me hoki ki Te Mauri o Te Whare kā tika! Kei konei te rau whakaū mātauranga, te rau whakatipu mātauranga, te tātai o te putunga o te hohonu o te mātauranga.

Ko tēnei uhi he tohu toi mana, toi te reo, toi te whenua. Toi whakaoho i a tātau ki ngā hekenga kōrero a tātau ake. I kōrero ai Hoani Te Rangiāniwaniwa Rangihau i te tau 1967. Inā tana kōrero: “E hoki ki ō maunga, ki ō awa, ki wāu ake kōrero kia pūrea koe e ngā hau niwhaniwha o Tāwhirimātea.” Koia te matakite o tēnei uhi he hoki, he whakaora mai i ngā kokona kōrero o Te Mauri o Te Whare hei rau whakamātara i a tātau katoa haere ake nei ngā tau.

Toitu te whare

2015 Ed.  Agnes McFarland & Taiarahia Black, NZCER, $29.95

August 2016:  This publication was short-listed for the 2015 Maori Book award.

Ka hoki taua ki te whare huri ai e 

2014 Edited by Agnes McFarland & Taiarahia Black, and published by NZCER Press

August 2015:  This publication was short-listed for the 2015 Maori Book award. 

Kawea te wairua o te kupu  2012 Edited by Agnes McFarland and published by NZCER Press