Why? The Mathematics and Statistics / Pāngarau SIG is an opportunity to bring together people around the country who are interested in this broad field of research. Some supporters of this SIG are also active members of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia (MERGA), and/or NZAMT. The SIG aims to co-ordinate its activities with those of MERGA and NZAMT so that they are complementary, rather than competing.
What? The mathematics and statistics / pāngarau education special interest group aims to foster, support, participate in, and disseminate high quality research in areas relevant to mathematics education across all levels in Aotearoa. The SIG is to include researchers, postgraduate students and emerging researchers, teachers, educators, and policy makers working in the broader educational sector with an interest in mathematics and statistics / pāngarau education research.
Research of interest to this SIG will include themes such as:
Mathematics content knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge
Affective aspects of learning mathematics
Culturally-sustaining pedagogy
Pāngarau at the intersection of mātauranga Māori and mathematics
Mathematics curriculum and assessment
Teacher learning and development
Links between policy and practice.
How? Through this SIG, discussions about mathematics and statistics / pāngarau education research projects, policy initiatives and debates, and changes in the international landscape can take place. The SIG will promote the importance of mathematics and statistics / pāngarau education and take an advocacy role to help research to influence policy and practice.
The SIG’s co-convenors, with help from members, will:
organise SIG events
coordinate the review of SIG-related abstracts for NZARE conference
facilitate communication with and between SIG members, e.g., via emails, the NZARE newsletter, and NZARE facebook page
lead the SIG’s AGM at conference.
Engage with our community
Past meeting notes will be available here soon

Day conference 2023 - Auckland

2024 Co-Convenors

Dr Lisa Darragh (she/her)
Senior Lecturer
Te Kura o te Marautanga me te Ako | School of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Te Kura Akoranga me Te Tauwhiro Tangata | Faculty of Education and Social Work
Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland
DDI: +64 9 373 7999 EXT: 48632
David Pomeroy (he/him)
Pūkenga Matua | Senior Lecturer
Te Kaupeka Ako | Faculty of Education
Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury
Dr Raewyn Eden (she/her/ia)
Lecturer in Mathematics Education
Te Kura o Te Mātauranga│Institute of Education
Te Kunenga ki Purehuroa | Massey University
Phone: 06 9519252