Award nominations now open

Click here to download a nomination form, please make a copy and return your nomination to Michael.gaffney@otago.ac.nz



The Judith Duncan Award for Early Childhood Research is given to a NZARE member who has made notable contributions to the field of early childhood education and care through the conduct of high-quality research


Nominees must be current NZARE members. Any NZARE member may make nominations by supplying details of the nominee’s academic CV (including qualifications, positions held, publications and an outline of research contributions).

The following must be included:

Nomination letter by colleague or self-nomination outlining the candidate's research and research impact;

At least one letter of support from a colleague or supervisor. No more than two additional letters of support from colleagues, supervisors, or students;

CV of nominee;

a recent colour photo of the nominee;

Current NZARE membership can be verified by contacting nzare.eo@gmail.com

Award selection criteria

  • Nominee has made a notable research contribution (i.e., high level of scholarship, high-quality research, dissemination and impact of research)  in any of the following areas: early childhood studies, early childhood care and education professional practice, early childhood teacher education, and/or early childhood policy;

  • Nominee is a leader or emerging leader in the early childhood education and care community in Aotearoa New Zealand;

  • Nominee's work has or is likely to have significant influence or effect on early childhood education;

  • Nominee is a current member of NZARE and the ECE SIG and embodies the mission of the SIG: to build research capacity and nurture and support other researchers.

Please note that only nomination materials are used to inform selection; all relevant information should be included.  In addition, the NZARE ECE SIG awards do not preclude ECE SIG members from submitting to the regular NZARE awards in the same year.  


The Judith Duncan Award for Early Childhood Research is given to a NZARE member who has made notable contributions to the field of early childhood education and care through the conduct of high-quality research. A notable contribution is interpreted as conducting high quality research that promotes equitable early childhood education and care within the field including an influence on professional practice, teacher education, or early childhood policy. The award comprises a written citation and one year complimentary membership with the SIG while NZARE membership is maintained. The NZARE ECE SIG, in collaboration with the NZARE Council, retains the right to make no award in any one year. The award is intended to support high-performing early career scholars or mid-career scholars in having their work recognised and honoured at the national level.

The definition of early career or mid-career scholars, for the purposes of this award, refer to professionals who are within 7 years (early career) or within 15-20 years (mid-career) of starting an active research career. The start of an active research career might be referenced to the completion of a PhD, employment at a research-focused institution, or a self-identified point in which a focus on research began. The award is targeted to scholars who have been actively pursuing research as a core function of their professional work. The nomination letter should indicate whether the nominee self-classifies as an early career or mid-career scholar.