The Inclusive Education and Community SIG was launched at the AGM on 3 December 2014.  

The purpose of the Inclusive Education and Community Special Interest Group is to further the agenda of equity in education through research, collaboration and practice.  The Inclusive Education and Community SIG provide opportunities for NZARE members working in the area to come together as an active network of researchers, students, policymakers and practitioners to engage in critical discussions about any aspect of inclusive communities and the social and educational opportunities available to all. Specifically, the SIG aims to: 
Provide a forum for networking in the area of Inclusive Education and Community

  • Strengthen educational research in the area of Inclusive Education and Community

  • Create formal links with relevant SIGS internationally working in the area of Inclusive Education and Community

  • Support senior educational research students in the area of Inclusive Education and Community

  • Promote seminars and workshops on topical issues in the area of Inclusive Education and Community

 If you have any suggestions for collaborative research, activities, or events that you feel this SIG could look at then please contact us. We also intend to put up a membership list of this SIG. This could prove useful for future research collaborations or thesis examiners.

2024 Co-Convenors

Dr Kate McAnelly

Dr Kate McAnelly is a kaiako me kairakahau kōhukahuka/early childhood teacher researcher based in Ōtepoti Dunedin. She's still in practice as an early childhood kaiako, where she works with pēpi and their whānau, as well as researching and providing equity and inclusion oriented professional learning and development to other early childhood kaiako as part of her independent education consultancy, Tūranga mō ngā Mokopuna. Kate's research interests are grounded in early childhood education, inclusive education, disabled children's childhood studies, the sociology of diverse childhoods, and inclusive research methodologies that amplify the voices of tamariki and whānau.

Email: turangamongamokopuna@gmail.com

Dr Michael Gaffney

Dr Michael Gaffney is the Early Childhood Programmes Co-ordinator at the University of Otago College of Education in Dunedin, where he lectures across undergraduate and postgraduate early childhood initial teacher education programmes as well as supervises postgraduate research. His work in early childhood crosses over with his research interests in inclusive education, disability studies, childhood studies, and more recently community development. Much of his research experiences to date are cross-disciplinary as a result of his time working at the University of Otago's Children's Issues Centre. Michael's emerging research interests are in parental learning and support.

Email: michael.gaffney@otago.ac.nz