This is an area of high interest for many NZARE members and many of our sister organisations. The aim is to embrace all elements of the diverse sector in order to foster, support and disseminate high quality national and international research into adult and tertiary education.

A group of 23 members met at the 2012 conference to hold a seminar and propose the setting up of the SIG. The SIG would span the areas of adult education and tertiary education, and intended to hold seminars and promote debate on key issues. The SIG was involved in the seminar on higher education that was held in Wellington in July 2013. 

The SIG was proposed to and established at the AGM in November 2013. 

Research Interests include:

  • Adult and Community Education
  • Higher Education
  • Tertiary Education
  • Universities
  • Tertiary Education Policy
  • Vocational Education and Training
  • Youth Policies and Education

Partnerships: HERDSA